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Local Emergency Management Programs

Matthew J. Bubenko, Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator & National Incident Management System Point of Contact

Emergency Management is a legal responsibility and function of local, county, state and federal government.

Over the past two decades, federal and state laws were amended to include natural, technological and man-made disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery programs. National attention to emergency management began in the early 1950s with emphasis on civil defense or enemy attack preparedness.
Pennsylvania’s Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa. C. S. Section 7101-7707) became law in 1978 and replaced the State Council of Civil Defense Act of 1951. The 1978 Act consolidated existing state laws and updated the role of emergency management within the Commonwealth. Amendments to this Act in 1988 and 1989 further focused the role of emergency management personnel, organizations and responsibilities.

Emergency Management Coordinator

The coordinator works for and is responsible to the municipal elected officials who set the direction, programs and policies for emergency management in our community. The duties and responsibilities of municipal coordinators, on behalf of their elected officials, are outlined in Chapter 75 of Title 35 and are summarized as follows:
  • Prepare and maintain an emergency operations plan, following the state established format.
  • Manage and mobilize the equipment and staff of the municipal emergency operations center (EOC) when appropriate and as directed by the municipal elected officials.
  • Attend and successfully complete all training scheduled by the county and/or PEMA as outlined in PEMA Directive “Emergency Management Training and Education”.
  • Survey, organize and coordinate all municipally available manpower, materials, supplies, equipment, facilities and services necessary for disaster emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.
  • Recommend mitigation measures to reduce disaster effects.
  • Coordinate with other municipal emergency service agencies and public and private entities in achieving your duties and responsibilities.
  • Have current appropriate plans, procedures, guidance and laws issued by the county, PEMA and the Governor available within your EOC. Have knowledge of the federal and state required plans for your jurisdiction concerning emergencies at dams, chemical and nuclear plants, schools, day cares, hospitals, prisons and nursing home facilities.
  • Provide prompt and accurate information regarding municipal disaster emergencies to the appropriate municipal, county and Commonwealth officials and agencies and the general public.
  • Participate in all tests, drills and exercises, including remedial drills and exercises that pertain to your municipality, as scheduled by the county, state or the Federal government.
  • Participate in the integrated flood warning systems program as applicable for your municipality.
  • Develop mutual aid agreements as applicable with adjacent municipalities for reciprocal emergency assistance.

Emergency Management Division

The Emergency Management Division is made up of personell trained in areas which could be called upon by an emergency. Pennsylvania Statutes require that every municipality maintains an Emergency Management function, and charges each municipality with the responsibility of managing any emergency which occurs within its borders. Somerset County, the state of Pennsylvania and the Federal Government can all provide assistance at such a time, they only do so upon request and after the municipality has exhausted its resources.

The Emergency Management Division reports to our Elected Officials through our Emergency Management Coordinator.  Members can provide the Elected Officials and the community with a broad variety of services, any one or all which may be called upon during an emergency. Included in those services are communications within the Division, with First Responders and County officials.

Emergency Special Needs Survey

Please click on this Emergency Special Needs Survey link and complete the Emergency Special Needs Survey.

Complying With The National Incident Management System

The Division Of Emergency Management is utilizing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) which provides a consistent nationwide approach for governments to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.

Quemahoning Dam:

Quemahoning Dam has been classified by the Department of Environmental Protection. The classification and Notice are available at the Paint Township Municipal Building. An Emergency Action Plan has been prepared by the Cambria Somerset Authority for Quemahoning Dam.

M.H. Bigan Dam:

M.H. Bigan Dam has been 
classified by the Department of Environmental Protection. An Emergency Action Plan has been prepared for the M.H. Bigan Dam.

Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Paint Township is part of the Somerset County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (Final is now available). Click here for a digital copy.

Online Training

FEMA Independent Study Program offers many courses dealing with different topics.

Disasters Affect Everyone

Emergencies are not just limited to adults.  Disasters affect everyone. And so it takes everyone - Youth, parents, and community members - to help prepare. provides wonderful information to help youth, parents, and educators prepare.

Other Links

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

Somerset County Public Safety Expressor

A Priviate Social Network For Our Neighboorhood: Nextdoor

Nextdoor is being used by the Paint Township Community and the Division of Emergency Management to facilitate virtual neighborhood watch and foster neighbor-to-neighbor communications.

Nextdoor is a tool for us to effectively share information on crime prevention and safety, public events and emergency notifications. You can expect to receive local updates from the Division of Emergency Management on Nextdoor. Please be assured that your website remains private. Paint Township staff will NOT be able to see any of the content on your neighborhood website except for the direct replies to our posts.

Please be aware that 
Nextdoor is not the appropriate way to request emergency services, police services, report criminal or suspicious activity, file a report, etc. If you require emergency services, please call 911.

We look forward to connecting with you on 
Nextdoor to build stronger, safer neighborhoods throughout Paint Township.

Click on Certification Links to view:

All certificates are in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view certificates. Click graphic below to download the free Reader.
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Matthew J. Bubenko, 
Municipal EMC.
David L. Senior, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.
Ray Zimmerman, Communications Officer.
Joanne Wright, Damage Assessment. Certificate: Initial Damage Reporting. 


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